Well, I am still growing as a heathly boy! I had my 6 month check up and here are my stats:
Weight: 15.11 lbs.
Length: 26"
Head: 42 cm.
I had to get shots to, but mom made it all better and we even got to go see Auntie Shannon at her work! Then mommy let me sleep with her until daddy got hom and I slept from 7-12am then until 7 am! I was tired.
Mommy and daddy said something today about going to go buy a high chair for me. So that might be an exciting adventure for me!
I am beginnign to sit up but when Otis comes around I get exited and fall over!
Here is what I love:
Mommy and Daddy spending time with me.
I LOVE to laugh and giggle.
My jumperoos ( i have one upstairs and downstairs!)
To eat
I am learning to use some sippy cups
go to the pool
the next big thing my Duke trip in exactly 1 month and 16 days. That will be the next big thing in the next few months.