Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tummy time with Otis

Here I am having some tummy time with my buddy Otis. Otis and I are getting along more and more everyday. He even comes and tells me a special hello everytime mommy and daddy come home with me! I love Otis!
Mommy also took me to the doctor today b/c I was an unhappy camper this morning; in fact I was so unhappy that I am exhausted this afternoon! Doctor says that I have a little stomach virus, so I get an extra dose of lots of holding and cuddling from mommy and daddy!
On a good note, mommy said that she was so proud of me b/c when she put me down to bed at 10pm last night, I actually went to sleep in my crib by myself!!! She let me stay up with her last night and we watched American Gladiators (Mom says that they better hope that the writers end their strike soon, thee lines are so cheesy!) and then I went to bed. She was so happy!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

What a weekend!

Friday Wilson got to go to work with me. My boss's father passed away and he needed someone in the office to put out any fires that arose, so we were the ones! We had a great time and everyoneloved seeing Wilson. Wilson had a great time hanging out. It was nice to go back to work for a bit- one can only take so many Law and Orders and criminal shows! I am fast becomming an expert in solving mysteries!
We also enjoyed some snow yesterday, but we didn't even get enough to make a snow ball :(
Today is a perfect football day since it is so cold outside! The temp is currently 27 outside!!!
We hope that everyone is having a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I took Wilson to go visit school today for the first time. All the little babies were just crawling all around him! It was really hard to talk with someone about leaving him with them, but it is okay. It is a really nice daycare center and the people are so nice there and all the little babies were so happy there and the head teacher appears that she will love Wilson and enjoy taking care of him. But I will say for having 5 babies in one room, it was extremely peaceful! As I say, Jesus makes the ladies love the little children.
All is still going good since we have learned how to make sure that he is getting enough in his bottles. The only thing that we are working on still is falling asleep in his crib. He is doing better at being by himself in his bouncy seat and in his swing, we just have to get comfortable in the crib. But it is takingless and less time every night to get him asleep in his crib. We will get there. Well we are off for an afternoon nap. I hear that there is a chance for some snow/ice/sleet mess tonight and tomorrow. Maybe we will get more snow. Otis loves the snow and he can show Wilson how much fun it is! Our weather people are never right though, so I am sure that we won't get any rain or anything!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Praises and a bath

Well Wilson got his first full bath today. He enjoyed it much more than the little bird baths that he had gotten before.
Next time we will use the little bathtub that we got. I think that will make it easier since W is a little bit of a wiggle worm!
Julie's daughter, Sara, did well in surgery today. Please remember them every day in your prayers and thank you for the thoughts and prayers that have been sent their way.

Well, little W and I are going to get ready to watch 2 hours of American Idol and wait for Daddy to get home from work for the night.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Special thoughts and prayers

Please think of Julie and Sara and send some much needed prayers their way. Sara is having an operation on Tuesday that comes with some high risks for littl eSarah. This surgery will hopefully make her strong enough to have her other heart surgery. We love Julie and Anna and Sara and send all the thoughts and prayers to her that we can. Good luck on Tuesday Sara, we will be thinking about you.

2 week checkup

Well Friday we all headed to the doctor's office for the 2 week checkup and W now weighs a whopping 7.1 lbs! He is 19 1/2 inches long. He has not grown to much but th edr said that was okay.
We haven't done to much else this weekend except watch the playoff games. I hope that everyone else has a great weekend.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Here we are

Here is the whole family. Do we look sleepy?Here is Daddy and me watching football.

Here is Otis. He is still trying to get used to Wilson, he isn't to sure exactly how to handle having Wilson in the house.

Here is Wilson. He is saying hello to everyone!
That is who we all are. So far everything is going well. Wilson has his 2 week check up at the doctor tomorrow. Hard to believe that it has been 2 weeks already. We will give you the updated stats when we get back home!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Happy 2008!
We have quite a 2007 at the end with Wilson arriving. Wilson is doing well and we are having a blast getting used to each other; however, I think that Otis is still wondering exactly what Wilson is.
Have fun reading our blog and keeping up with our busy liilte family.