Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tummy time with Otis

Here I am having some tummy time with my buddy Otis. Otis and I are getting along more and more everyday. He even comes and tells me a special hello everytime mommy and daddy come home with me! I love Otis!
Mommy also took me to the doctor today b/c I was an unhappy camper this morning; in fact I was so unhappy that I am exhausted this afternoon! Doctor says that I have a little stomach virus, so I get an extra dose of lots of holding and cuddling from mommy and daddy!
On a good note, mommy said that she was so proud of me b/c when she put me down to bed at 10pm last night, I actually went to sleep in my crib by myself!!! She let me stay up with her last night and we watched American Gladiators (Mom says that they better hope that the writers end their strike soon, thee lines are so cheesy!) and then I went to bed. She was so happy!

1 comment:

Avery & Hailey said...

That's such a great picture!