Sunday, January 13, 2008

2 week checkup

Well Friday we all headed to the doctor's office for the 2 week checkup and W now weighs a whopping 7.1 lbs! He is 19 1/2 inches long. He has not grown to much but th edr said that was okay.
We haven't done to much else this weekend except watch the playoff games. I hope that everyone else has a great weekend.


Kelli said...

Love the website and the blogs. It's a great way to keep us nosey relatives happy! Looking forward to our visit in March. Love and Hugs, Aunt Kelli

CharGrill said...

Hello! I just started this whole blogging thing, so I'm trying to catch up with everyone. If it's ok with you, I'll add you to my list of contacts on my blog page, at (at least i think that is the address!)
Congratulations on Wilson! He is darling! I hope you both continue to do well and I look forward to seeing more of you on your blog page!
Take care, feel free to write,
Charlotte Philen