Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Duke day

Today was the big visit to Duke. It turns out that we are not scheduling a date for his pallate b/c they don't think that is all what is going on and they are concerned that the cleft surgery may not fix everything that needs to be fixed. They want him to begin developing his language more and that should tell them a great deal more about what is going on. So we head back in 6 months. We weren't to happy with this latest round of news b/c no one likes to hear that more might be wrong with their baby. So for now we continue and we have to keep an eye on his weight gain and make sure that is steady and just keep an eye on him and write down anything that we notice that doesn't seem right... So here is to another six months of wondering and trying to figure stuff out....

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Some Wilson thoughts

Here are some cute outfits taht really tell the truth about me!

This past weekend my nanna and pappa came to see me. We went swimming at their hotel and I was so tuckered out!
Here is nanna and pappa loving on me!

We had a great time with nanna and pappa. They came to visit me and they also let mom and dad go on a date night. I bet they missed me! Nanna and papa took great care of me too! I got in some extra snuggling! Just what I like!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Bath time!

The shirt says it all!

Hanging with the cousins again!

This is my new cousin that I got to meet. His name is James. He lives really far away in CA!

Aren't we a good looking bunch of kids?