Tuesday, September 23, 2008

9 months already?

Well, Wilson is almost 9 months old... I can't believe it! So in honor of 9 months:
9 things Wilson likes:
1. Otis
2. Food
3. Playing withh daddy
4. Cuddling with Mommy
5. Sweet tea
6. cheesy biscuits
7. Baby Einstien videos
8. Jumperoo
9. Walks

We have our 9 month appt on October 2nd.
Wilson has alos begun sleeping through the night over the past two weeks! It has been so nice!
We have also started at a Kiddie Academy that is literally across the street from the house. I thought thatt the transition would be difficult, but he is still my happy little W. It was a hard decision taking him away from theh Children's Place at the church- but they just closed way to often- in the si months he was there- I had taken over a month off b/c of days they were closed! SO we switched. This new place provides AL food for him! They also have cameras in the room so I can look in on my little baby while I am at work. I LOVE being able to look at my little man during the day.
Eric has also offically begun school again for his computer certifications. He passed his first one today. He now has his A+ cetification. We are realy proud of him.
Well I think that is it. We have been so busy! Pretty soon we will be at the holidays and a 1 year birthday!
I am going to finish my wonderful glass of wine while I add some pictures and then I am of to watch some wonderous tv. I am so glad that shows are starting back.

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