Tuesday, March 31, 2009


This is us standing on the porch of Boone Plantation. Here we are outside of the Auquarium with Mr. Frog!
Here is the finished product of the first hair cut~~

He even got to eat animal crackers while getting his hair cut. How fantastic!

Wilson loves to talk on the phone. I started the phone thing b/c he and eric chat when Eric calls in. Wilson walks around going "Hey Dadddy." and of course when Eric gets on the phone he is either quiet or telling Eric about something else and then when I take the phoen back it is always "hey Daddy!" But WIlson loves to chat on the phone- he will tell you all about his day if you let him! I think he looks like the little kid on the E*Trade commercials. I can hear him say "Hey girl, can I hit you back later?"

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